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N15GA25 (Super Cal)

N15GA25 (Super Cal)

The product is a new nitrogen and calcium fertilizer, containing 15% nitrogen and 25% calcium. The product also contains a lot of calcium carbonate, which can be used as fertilizer in acid soil. The product contains 25% water soluble calcium, the calcium ions can adjust soil ph value and promote crops on the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the soil, increase crop resistance, which can effectively prevent the crops caused by calcium deficiency of citrus fruit dehiscent fruit, soft, such as melon growing point necrosis, cabbage softening tipburn disease, black rot of bitter pox disease of apple, pear, leaf spot, and many other physiological diseases, crop use of this product can make the cell wall thickening, increase the chlorophyll content and promote the formation of sugar water compounds, prolongs the storage and transportation period that fruits and vegetables, grain full, increased grain crops.At the same time, it can also increase the fruit hardness during storage, obviously increase the appearance color and luster of the fruit, improve the quality, increase the yield and improve the grade of the fruit.

Application scope and application method: Super cal is widely used in greenhouse and large area farmland, which can promote the growth and development of plant roots, stems and leaves. The product can apply to field crops, greenhouse crops and fruits, vegetables, flowers and other economic crops.